名著阅读 > 五十度灰(Fifty Shades of Grey)英文版 > Part III Chapter Seventeen >

Part III Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen

“Mr. Rodriguez, what’s happened?” My voice is hoarse and thick with unshed

tears. Ray. Sweet Ray. My dad.

“He’s been in a car accident.”

“Okay, I’ll come . . . I’ll come now.” Adrenaline has flooded my bloodstream,

lea一ving panic in its wake. I’m finding it difficult to breathe.

“They’ve transferred him to Portland.”

Portland? What the hell is he doing in Portland?

“They airlifted him, Ana. I’m heading there now. OHSU. Oh, Ana, I didn’t see

the car. I just didn’t see it . . .” His voice cracks. Mr. Rodriguez—no!

“I’ll see you there.” Mr. Rodriguez chokes and the line goes dead. A dark

dread seizes me by the throat, overwhelming me. Ray. No. No. I take a deep

steadying breath, pick up the phone and call Roach. He answers on the

second ring.


“Jerry. It’s my father.”

“Ana, what happened?”

I explain, barely pausing to breathe.

“Go. Of course, you must go. I hope your father’s okay.”

“Thank you. I’ll keep you informed.” Inadvertently I slam the phone down, but

right now couldn’t care less.

“Hanna!” I call, aware of the anxiety in my voice. Moments later she pokes

her head around the door to find me packing my purse and grabbing papers

to stuff into my briefcase.

“Yes, Ana?” She frowns.

“My father has been in an accident. I ha一ve to go.”

“Oh dear—”

“Cancel all my appointments today. And Monday. You’ll ha一ve to finish

prepping the e-book presentation—notes are in the shared file. Get Courtney

to help if you ha一ve to.”

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“Yes,” Hanna whispers. “I hope he’s okay. Don’t worry about anything here.

We’ll muddle through.”

“I ha一ve my BlackBerry.”

The concern etched on her pinched, pale face is almost my undoing. Daddy.

I grab my jacket, purse, and briefcase. “I’ll call you if I need anything.”

“Do, please. Good luck, Ana. Hope he’s okay.”

I give her a small tight smile, fighting to maintain my composure, and exit my

office. I try hard not to run all the way to reception. Sawyer leaps to his feet

when I arrive.

“Mrs. Grey?” he asks, confused by my sudden appearance.

“We’re going to Portland—now.”

“Okay, ma’am,” he says, frowning at me but opening the door. Moving is


“Mrs. Grey,” Sawyer asks as we race toward the parking lot. “Can I ask why

we’re making this unscheduled trip?”

“It’s my dad. He’s been in an accident.”

“I see. Does Mr. Grey know?”

“I’ll call him from the car.”

Sawyer nods and opens the rear door to the Audi SUV and I climb in. With

shaking fingers, I reach for my BlackBerry, and I dial Christian’s cell.

“Mrs. Grey.” Andrea’s voice is crisp and businesslike.

“Is Christian there?” I breathe.

“Um . . . he’s somewhere in the building, ma’am. He’s left his BlackBerry

charging with me.”

Oh. I groan silently with frustration.

“Can you tell him I called, and that I need to speak with him? It’s urgent.”

“I could try and track him down. He does ha一ve a habit of wandering off


“Just get him to call me, please,” I beg, fighting back tears.

“Certainly, Mrs. Grey.” She hesitates. “Is everything all right?”

“No,” I whisper, not trusting my voice. “Please, just get him to call me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

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I hang up. I cannot contain my anguish any longer. Pulling my knees up to my

chest, I curl up on the rear seat and tears ooze, unwelcome, down my


“Where in Portland, Mrs. Grey?” Sawyer asks gently.

“OHSU,” I choke out. “The big hospital.”

Sawyer pulls out into the street and heads for the I-5, while I keen softly in the

back of the car, muttering wordless prayers. Please let him be okay. Please

let him be okay.

My phone rings. “Your Love Is King” startling me from my mantra.

“Christian,” I gasp.

“Christ, Ana. What’s wrong?”

“It’s Ray—he’s been in an accident.”


“Yes. I am on my way to Portland.”

“Portland? Please tell me Sawyer is with you.”

“Yes, he’s driving.”

“Where is Ray?”

“At OHSU.”

I hear a muffled voice in the background. “Yes, Ros,” Christian snaps angrily.

“I know! Sorry, baby—I can be there in about three hours. I ha一ve business I

need to finish here. I’ll fly down.”

Oh shit. Charlie Tango is back in commission and last time Christian flew

her . . .

“I ha一ve a meeting with some guys over from Taiwan. I can’t blow them off. It’s

a deal we’ve been hammering out for months.”

Why do I know nothing about this?

“I’ll lea一ve as soon as I can.”

“Okay,” I whisper. And I want to say that it’s okay, he can stay in Seattle and

sort out his business . . . but the truth is I want him with me.

“Oh, baby,” he whispers.

“I’ll be okay, Christian. Take your time. Don’t rush. I don’t want to worry about

you, too. Fly safely.”

“I will.”

“Love you.”

“I love you, too, baby. I’ll be with you as soon as I can. Keep Luke close.”

“Yes, I will.”

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“I’ll see you later.”


After hanging up, I hug my knees once more. I know nothing about Christian’s

business. What the hell is he doing with the Taiwanese? I gaze out of the

window as we pass Boeing Field-King County airport. He must fly safely . . .

my stomach knots anew and nausea threatens. Ray and Christian. I don’t

think my heart could take that. Leaning back, I start my mantra again: Please

let him be okay. Please let him be okay.

“Mrs. Grey.” Sawyer’s voice rouses me. “We’re on the hospital grounds. I just

ha一ve to find the ER.”

“I know where it is.” My mind flits back to my last visit to OHSU

when, on my second day, I fell off a stepladder at Claytons, twisting my ankle.

I recall Paul Clayton hovering over me and shudder at the memory.

Sawyer pulls up to the drop-off point and leaps out to open my door.

“I’ll go park, ma’am, and come find you. Lea一ve your briefcase, I’ll bring it.”

“Thank you, Luke.”

He nods, and I walk briskly into the buzzing ER reception area. The

receptionist at the desk gives me a polite smile, and within a few moments,

she’s located Ray and is sending me to the OR on the third floor.

OR? Fuck! “Thank you,” I mutter, trying to focus on her directions to the

elevators. My stomach lurches as I almost run toward them.

Let him be okay. Please let him be okay.

The elevator is agonizingly slow, stopping on each floor. Come on . . . Come

on! I will it to move faster, scowling at the people strolling in and out and

preventing me from getting to my dad. Finally, the doors open on the third

floor and I rush to another reception desk, this one staffed by nurses in na一vy


“Can I help you?” asks one officious nurse with a myopic stare.

“My father, Raymond Steele. He’s just been admitted. He’s in OR4, I think.”

Even as I say the words I am willing them not to be true.

“Let me check, Miss Steele.”

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I nod, not bothering to correct her as she gazes intently at her computer


“Yes. He’s been in for a couple of hours. If you’d like to wait, I’ll let them know

that you’re here. The waiting room’s there.” She points toward a large white

door, helpfully labeled WAITING ROOM in bold blue lettering.

“Is he okay?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

“You’ll ha一ve to wait for one of the attending doctor to brief you, ma’am.”

“Thank you,” I mutter—but inside I am screaming, I want to know now!

I open the door to reveal a functional, austere waiting room, where Mr.

Rodriguez and José are seated.

“Ana!” Mr. Rodriguez gasps. His arm is in a cast, and his cheek is bruised

on one side. He’s in a wheelchair with one of his legs in a cast too. I gingerly

wrap my arms around him.

“Oh, Mr. Rodriguez,” I sob.

“Ana, honey.” He pats my back with his uninjured arm. “I’m so sorry,” he

mumbles, his hoarse voice cracking.

Oh no.

“No, Papa,” José says softly in admonishment as he hovers behind me.

When I turn, he pulls me into his arms and holds me.

“José,” I mutter. And I’m lost—tears falling as all the tension, fear, and

heartache of the last three hours surface.

“Hey, Ana, don’t cry.” José gently strokes my hair. I wrap my arms around his

neck and softly weep. We stand like that for ages, and I’m so grateful that my

friend is here. We pull apart when Sawyer joins us in the waiting room. Mr.

Rodriguez hands me a tissue from a conveniently placed box, and I dry my


“This is Mr. Sawyer. Security,” I murmur. Sawyer nods politely to José and

Mr. Rodriguez then moves to take a seat in the corner.

“Sit down, Ana.” José ushers me to one of the vinyl-covered armchairs.

“Sit down, Ana.” José ushers me to one of the vinyl-covered armchairs.

“What happened?” I ask. “Do we know how he is? What are they doing?”

José holds up his hands to halt my barrage of questions and sits down

beside me. “We don’t ha一ve any news. Ray, Dad, and I were on a 331 | P a g


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fishing trip to Astoria. We were hit by some stupid fucking drunk—”

Mr. Rodriguez tries to interrupt, stammering an apology.

“Cálmate, Papa!” José snaps. “I don’t ha一ve a mark on me,” he continues.

“Just a couple of bruised ribs and a knock on the head. Dad . . . well, Dad

broke his wrist and ankle. But the car hit the passenger side and Ray . . .”

Oh no, no . . . Panic swamps my limbic system again. No, no, no. My body

shudders and chills as I imagine what’s happening to Ray in the OR.

“He’s in surgery. We were taken to the community hospital in Astoria, but

they airlifted Ray here. We don’t know what they’re doing. We’re waiting for


I start to shake.

“Hey, Ana, you cold?”

I nod. I’m in my white sleeveless shirt and black summer jacket and neither

provides warmth. Gingerly, José pulls off his leather jacket and wraps it

around my shoulders.

“Shall I get you some tea, ma’am?” Sawyer is by my side. I nod gratefully and

he disappears from the room.

“Why were you fishing in Astoria?” I ask.

José shrugs. “The fishing’s supposed to be good there. We were ha一ving a

boys’ get-together. Some bonding time with my old man before academia

heats up for my final year.” José’s dark eyes are large and luminous with fear

and regret.

“You could ha一ve been hurt, too. And Mr. Rodriguez . . . worse.” I gulp at the

thought. My body temperature drops further, and I shiver once more. José

takes my hand.

“Hell, Ana, you’re freezing.”

Mr. Rodriguez inches forward and takes my other hand in his one good hand.

“Ana, I am so sorry.”

“Mr. Rodriguez, please. It was an accident . . .” My voice fades to a whisper.

“Call me José,” he corrects me. I give him a weak smile, because that’s all I

can manage. I shiver once more.

“The police took the asshole into custody. Seven in the morning and the guy

was out of his skull,” José hisses in disgust. 332 | P a g e


Sawyer reenters, bearing a paper cup of hot water and a separate teabag.

He knows how I take my tea! I’m surprised, and glad for the distraction. Mr.

Rodriguez and José release my hands as I take the cup gratefully from


“Do you . . . ?” Sawyer asks Mr. Rodriguez and José. They both shake their

heads, and Sawyer resumes his seat in the corner. I dunk my teabag in the

water and, rising shakily, dispose of the used bag in a small trashcan.

“What’s taking them so long?” I mutter to no one in particular as I take a sip.

Daddy . . . Please let him be okay. Please let him be okay.

“We’ll know soon enough, Ana,” José says gently. I nod and take another sip.

I take my seat again beside him. We wait . . . and wait. Mr. Rodriguez with

his eyes closed, praying I think, and José holding my hand and squeezing it

every now and then. I slowly sip my tea. It’s not Twinings, but some cheap

and nasty brand, and it tastes disgusting. I remember the last time I waited

for news. The last time I thought all was lost when Charlie Tango went

missing. Closing my eyes, I offer up a silent prayer for the safe passage of

my husband. I glance at my watch: 2:15 p.m. He should be here soon. My tea

is cold . . . Ugh!

I stand up and pace then sit down again. Why ha一ven’t the doctors been to

see me? I take José’s hand, and he gives mine another reassuring squeeze.

Please let him be okay. Please let him be okay. Time crawls so slowly.

Suddenly the door opens, and we all glance up expectantly, my stomach

knotting. Is this it?

Christian strides in. His face darkens momentarily when he notices my hand

in José’s.

“Christian!” I gasp and leap up, thanking God he’s arrived safely. Then I’m

wrapped in his arms, his nose in my hair, and I’m inhaling his scent, his

warmth, his love. A small part of me feels calmer, stronger, and more

resilient because he’s here. Oh, the difference his presence makes to my

peace of mind.

“Any news?”

I shake my head, unable to speak.

“José.” He nods a greeting.

“Christian, this is my father, José Senior.”

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“Mr. Rodriguez—we met at the wedding. I take it you were in the accident,


José briefly retells the story.

“Are you both well enough to be here?” Christian asks.

“We don’t want to be anywhere else,” Mr. Rodriguez says, his voice quiet

and laced with pain. Christian nods. Taking my hand, he sits me down then

takes a seat beside me.

“Ha一ve you eaten?” he asks.

I shake my head.

“Are you hungry?”

I shake my head.

“But you’re cold?” he asks, eyeing José’s jacket.

I nod. He shifts in his chair, but wisely says nothing. The door opens again,

and a young doctor in bright blue scrubs enters. He looks exhausted and


Oh no . . . All the blood seems to disappear from my head as I stumble to my


“Ray Steele,” I whisper as Christian stands beside me, putting his arm

around my waist.

“You’re his next of kin?” the doctor asks. His bright blue eyes almost match

his scrubs, and under any other circumstances I would ha一ve found him


“I’m his daughter, Ana.”

“Miss Steele—”

“Mrs. Grey,” Christian interrupts him.

“My apologies,” the doctor stammers, and for a moment I want to kick

Christian. “I’m Doctor Crowe. Your father is stable, but in a critical condition.”

Fuck. What does that mean? My knees buckle beneath me, and only

Christian’s supporting arm prevents me from falling to the floor.

“He suffered severe internal injuries,” Dr. Crowe says, “principally to his

diaphragm, but we’ve managed to repair them, and we were able to sa一ve his

spleen. Unfortunately, he suffered a cardiac arrest during the operation

because of blood loss. We managed to get his heart going again, but this

remains a concern. However, our gra一vest concern is that he suffered severe

contusions to the head, and the MRI shows that he has swelling in his brain.

We’ve induced a coma to keep him quiet and 334 | P a g e


still while we monitor the brain swelling.”

Brain damage? No.

“It’s standard procedure in these cases. For now, we just ha一ve to wait and


“And what’s the prognosis?” Christian asks coolly.

“Mr. Grey, it’s difficult to say at the moment. It’s possible he could make a

complete recovery, but that’s in God’s hands now.”

“How long will you keep him in a coma?”

“That depends on how his brain responds. Usually seventy-two to ninety-six


Oh no . . . so long!

“Can I see him?” I whisper.

“Yes, you should be able to see him in about half an hour. He’s been taken to

the ICU on the sixth floor.”

“Thank you, Doctor.”

Dr. Crowe nods, turns and lea一ves us.

“Well, he’s alive,” I whisper to Christian. And the tears start to roll down my

face once more.

“Sit down,” Christian orders gently.

“Papa, I think we should go. You need to rest. We won’t know anything for a

while.” José murmurs to Mr. Rodriguez who gazes blankly at his son. “We

can come back this evening, after you’ve rested. That’s okay, isn’t it, Ana?”

José turns, imploring me.

“Of course.”

“Are you staying in Portland?” Christian asks. José nods.

“Do you need a ride home?”

José frowns. “I was going to order a cab.”

“Luke can take you.”

Sawyer stands, and José looks confused.

“Luke Sawyer,” I murmur in clarification.

“Oh . . . Sure. Yeah, we’d appreciate it. Thanks, Christian.”

Standing, I hug Mr. Rodriguez and José in quick succession.

“Stay strong, Ana,” José whispers in my ear. “He’s a fit and healthy man. The

odds are in his fa一vor.”

“I hope so.” I hug him hard. Then, releasing him, I shrug off his jacket hand it

back to him.

“Keep it, if you’re still cold.”

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“No, I’m okay. Thanks.” Glancing nervously up at Christian, I see that he’s

regarding us impassively. Christian takes my hand.

“If there’s any change, I’ll let you know right away,” I add as José

pushes his father’s wheelchair toward the door that Sawyer is holding open.

Mr. Rodriguez raises his hand, and they pause in the doorway.

“He’s in my prayers, Ana,” Mr. Rodriguez says, his voice wa一vering.

“It’s been so good to reconnect with him after all these years. He’s become a

good friend.”

“I know.”

And with that they lea一ve. Christian and I are alone. He caresses my cheek.

“You’re pale. Come here.” He sits down on the chair and pulls me on to his

lap, folding me into his arms again, and I go willingly. I snuggle up against

him, feeling oppressed by my stepfather’s misfortune, but grateful that my

husband is here to comfort me. He gently strokes my hair and holds my hand.

“How was Charlie Tango?” I ask.

He grins. “Oh, she was yar,” he says, quiet pride in his voice. It makes me

smile properly for the first time in several hours, and I glance at him, puzzled.


“It’s a line from The Philadelphia Story. Grace’s fa一vorite film.”

“I don’t know it.”

“I think I ha一ve it on Blu-Ray at home. We can watch it and make out.” He

kisses my hair and I smile once more.

“Can I persuade you to eat something?” he asks.

My smile disappears. “Not now. I want to see Ray first.”

His shoulders slump, but he doesn’t push me.

“How were the Taiwanese?”

“Amenable,” he says.

“Amenable how?”

“They let my buy their shipyard for less than the price I was willing to pay.”

He’s bought a shipyard? “That’s good?”

“Yes. That’s good.”

“But I thought you had a shipyard, over here.”

“I do. We’re going to use that to do the fitting-out. Build the hulls in the Far

East. It’s cheaper.”

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Oh. “What about the workforce at the shipyard here?”

“We’ll redeploy. We should be able to keep redundancies to a minimum.” He

kisses my hair. “Shall we go and check on Ray?” he asks, his voice soft.

The ICU on the sixth floor is a stark, sterile, functional ward with whispered

voices and bleeping machinery. Four patients are each housed in their own

separate area, attached to hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of hi-tech

equipment. Ray is at the far end. Daddy.

He looks so small in his large bed, surrounded by all this technology. It’s a

shock. My dad has never been small. There’s a tube in his mouth, and

various lines pass through drips into a needle in each arm. A small clamp is

attached to his finger. I wonder vaguely what that’s for. His leg is on top of the

sheets, encased in a blue cast. A monitor displays his heart rate: beep,

beep, beep. It’s beating strong and steady. This I know. I move slowly toward

him. His chest is covered in a large, pristine bandage that disappears

beneath the thin sheet that protects his modesty.


I realize that the tube pulling at the right corner of his mouth leads to a

ventilator. Its noise is wea一ving with the beep, beep, beep of his heart monitor

into a percussive rhythmic beat. Sucking, expelling, sucking, expelling,

sucking, expelling in time with the beeps. There are four lines on the screen

of his heart monitor, each moving steadily across, demonstrating clearly that

Ray is still with us. Oh, Daddy.

Ray is still with us. Oh, Daddy.

Tentatively, I reach for his hand. Even though his mouth is distorted by the

ventilator tube, he looks peaceful, lying there fast asleep. A petite young

nurse stands to one side, checking his monitors.

“Can I touch him?” I ask her.

“Yes,” she smiles kindly. Her badge says KELLIE RN , and she must be in

her twenties. She’s blonde with dark, dark eyes. Christian stands at the end

of the bed, watching me carefully as I clasp Ray’s hand. It’s surprisingly

warm, and that’s my undoing. I sink on to the chair by the bed, place my head

gently against Ray’s arm, and 337 | P a g e

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start to sob.

“Oh, Daddy. Please get better,” I whisper. “Please.”

Christian puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

“All Mr. Steele’s vitals are good,” Nurse Kellie says quietly.

“Thank you,” Christian murmurs. I glance up in time to see her gape. She’s

finally gotten a good look at my husband. I don’t care. She can gape at

Christian all she likes as long as she makes my father well again.

“Can he hear me?” I ask.

“He’s deeply asleep. But who knows?”

“Can I sit for a while?”

“Sure thing.” She smiles at me, her cheeks pink from a telltale blush.

Incongruously, I find myself thinking blond is not her true color. Christian

gazes down at me, ignoring her. “I need to make a call. I’ll be outside. I’ll give

you some alone time with your dad.”

I nod. He bends, kisses my hair, and stalks out of the room. I sit and hold

Ray’s hand, marveling at the irony that it’s only now when he’s unconscious

and can’t hear me that I really want to tell him how much I love him. This man

has been my constant. My rock. And I’ve never thought about it until now. I’m

not flesh of his flesh, but he’s my dad, and I love him so very much. My tears

trail down my cheeks. Please get better, Daddy. Very quietly, so as not to

disturb anyone, I tell him about our weekend in Aspen and about last

weekend when we were soaring and sailing aboard the Grace. I tell him

about our new house, our plans, about how we hope to make it ecologically

sustainable. I promise to take him with us to Aspen so he can go fishing with

Christian and assure him that Mr. Rodriguez and José will both be welcome,

too . . . Please be here to do that, Daddy. Please. Ray remains immobile,

the ventilator sucking and expelling and the monotonous but reassuring

beep, beep, beep of his heart monitor his only response.

When I look up, Christian is sitting quietly at the end of the bed. I don’t know

how long he’s been there.

“Hi,” he says, his eyes glowing with compassion and concern.


“So, I’m going fishing with your dad, Mr. Rodriguez, and José?” he 338 | P a

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I nod.

“Okay. Let’s go eat. Let him sleep in peace.”

I frown. I don’t want to lea一ve him.

“Ana, he’s in a coma. I’ve given our cell numbers to the nurses here. If there’s

any change, they’ll call us. We’ll eat, check into a hotel, rest up, then come

back this evening.”

The suite at the Heathman looks just as I remember it. How often ha一ve I

thought about that first night and morning I spent with Christian Grey, now my

husband? I stand in the entrance to the suite, paralyzed. Jeez, it all started


“Home away from home,” says Christian, his voice soft, putting my briefcase

down beside one of the overstuffed couches.

“Do you want a shower? A bath? What do you need, Ana?”

Christian gazes at me, and I know he’s lost—my lost boy dealing with events

beyond his control. He’s been withdrawn and contemplative all afternoon.

This is a situation he cannot manipulate and predict. This is real life in the

raw, and he’s kept himself from that for so long, he’s exposed and helpless

now. My sweet, sheltered Fifty Shades.

“A bath. I’d like a bath.” I murmur, aware that keeping him busy will make him

feel better, useful even. Oh, Christian—I’m numb and I’m cold and I’m

scared, but I’m so glad you’re here with me.

“Bath. Good. Yes.” He strides into the bedroom and out of sight into the

palatial bathroom. A few moments later, the roar of water gushing to fill the

tub echoes from the room.

Finally, I galvanize myself to follow him into the bedroom. I’m dismayed to

see several bags from Nordstrom on the bed. Christian reenters, sleeves

rolled up, tie and jacket discarded.

“I sent Taylor to get some things. Nightwear. You know,” he says, eyeing me


Of course he did. I nod my approval. Where is Taylor?

“Oh, Ana,” Christian murmurs. “I’ve not seen you like this. You’re normally so

bra一ve and strong.”

I don’t know what to say. I merely gaze wide-eyed at him. I ha一ve nothing,

nothing to give right now. I think I’m in shock. I wrap my 339 | P a g e

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arms around myself, trying to keep the pervading cold at bay, even though I

know it’s a fruitless task as this cold comes from within. Christian pulls me

into his arms.

“Baby, he’s alive. His vital signs are good. We just ha一ve to be patient,” he

murmurs. “Come.” Releasing me, he takes my hand and leads me into the

bathroom. Gently, he slips my jacket off my shoulders and places it on the

bathroom chair, then turning back, he undoes the buttons on my shirt.

The water is deliciously warm and fragrant, the smell of lotus blossom hea一vy

in the warm, sultry air of the bathroom. I lie between Christian’s legs, my back

to his front, my feet resting on top of his. We’re both quiet and introspective,

and I’m finally feeling warm. Intermittently Christian kisses my hair as I

absentmindedly pop the bubbles in the foam. His arm is wrapped around my


“You didn’t get into the bath with Leila, did you? That time you bathed her?” I

ask. He stiffens and snorts, his hand tightening on my shoulder where it rests.

“Um . . . No.” He sounds astounded.

“I thought so. Good.”

He tugs gently at my hair knotted in a crude bun, tilting my head around so he

can see my face. “Why do you ask?”

I shrug. “Morbid curiosity. I don’t know . . . seeing her this week.”

His face hardens. “I see. Less of the morbid.” His tone is reproachful.

“How long are you going to support her?

“Until she’s on her feet. I don’t know.” He shrugs. “Why?”

“Are there others?”


“Exes who you support.”

“There was one, yes. No longer though.”


“She was studying to be a doctor. She’s qualified now and has someone


“Another Dominant?”


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“Leila says you ha一ve two of her paintings,” I whisper.

“I used to. I didn’t really care for them. They had technical merit, but they were

too colorful for me. I think Elliot has them. As we know, he has no taste.”

I giggle, and he wraps his other arm around me, sloshing water over the side

of the bath.

“That’s better,” he whispers and kisses my temple.

“He’s marrying my best friend.”

“Then I’d better shut my mouth,” he says.

I feel more relaxed after our bath. Wrapped in my soft Heathman robe, I gaze

at the various bags on the bed. Jeez, this must be more than nightwear.

Tentatively, I peek into one. A pair of jeans and a pale blue hooded

sweatshirt, my size. Holy cow . . . Taylor’s bought a whole weekend’s worth of

clothes, and he knows what I like. I smile, remembering this is not the first

time he’s shopped for clothes for me when I was at the Heathman.

“Apart from harassing me at Claytons, ha一ve you ever actually gone into a

store and just bought stuff?”

“Harassing you?”

“Yes. Harassing me.”

“You were flustered, if I recall. And that young boy was all over you. What was

his name?”


“One of your many admirers.”

I roll my eyes at him, and he smiles a relieved, genuine smile and kisses me.

“There’s my girl,” he whispers. “Get dressed. I don’t want you getting cold


“Ready,” I murmur. Christian is working on the Mac in the study area of the

suite. He’s dressed in black jeans and a gray cable-knit sweater, and I’m

wearing the jeans, the hoodie, and a white T-shirt.

“You look so young,” Christian says softly, glancing up, his eyes glowing.

“And to think you’ll be a whole year older tomorrow.” His 341 | P a g e

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voice is wistful. I give him a crooked smile.

“I don’t feel much like celebrating. Can we go see Ray now?”

“Sure. I wish you’d eat something. You barely touched your lunch.”

“Christian, please. I’m just not hungry. Maybe after we’ve seen Ray. I want to

wish him goodnight.”

As we arrive at the ICU, we meet José lea一ving. He’s alone.

“Ana, Christian, hi.”

“Where’s your dad?”

“He was too tired to come back. He was in a car accident this morning,”

José grins ruefully. “And his painkillers ha一ve kicked in. He was out for the

count. I had to fight to get in to see Ray since I’m not next of kin.”

“And?” I ask anxiously.

“He’s good, Ana. Same . . . but all good.”

Relief floods my system. No news is good news.

“See you tomorrow, birthday girl?”

“Sure. We’ll be here.”

José eyes Christian quickly then pulls me into a brief hug.

“Ma?ana. ”

“Goodnight, José.”

“Good-bye, José,” Christian says. José nods and walks on down the

corridor. “He’s still nuts about you,” Christian says quietly.

“No he’s not. And even if he is . . .” I shrug because right now I just don’t care.

Christian gives me a tight smile, and my heart melts.

“Well done,” I murmur.

He frowns.

“For not frothing at the mouth.”

He gapes at me, wounded—but amused, too. “I’ve never frothed. Let’s see

your dad. I ha一ve a surprise for you.”

“Surprise?” My eyes widen in alarm.

“Come.” Christian takes my hand, and we push open the double doors of the


Standing at the end of Ray’s bed is Grace in deep discussion with Crowe

and a second doctor, a woman I’ve not seen before. Seeing us, 342 | P a g e


Grace beams. Oh, thank hea一vens.

“Christian.” She kisses Christian’s cheek, then turns to me and folds me in

her warm embrace.

“Ana. How are you holding up?”

“I’m fine. It’s my father I’m worried about.”

“He’s in good hands. Doctor Sluder is an expert in her field. We trained

together at Yale.”

Oh . . .

“Mrs. Grey,” Dr. Sluder greets me very formally. She’s short-haired and elfin,

with a shy smile and a soft southern accent. “As the lead physician for your

father, I’m pleased to tell you that all is on track. His vital signs are stable and

strong. We ha一ve every faith that he’ll make a complete recovery. The brain

swelling has stopped, and shows signs of decreasing. This is very

encouraging after such a short time.”

“That’s good news,” I murmur.

She smiles warmly at me. “It is, Mrs. Grey. We’re taking real good care of


“Great to see you again, Grace.”

Grace smiles back. “Likewise, Lorraina.”

“Dr. Crowe, let’s lea一ve these good people to visit with Mr. Steele.”

Crowe follows in Dr. Sluder’s wake to the exit.

I glance over at Ray, and for the first time since his accident, I feel more

hopeful. Dr. Sluder and Grace’s kind words ha一ve rekindled my hope.

Grace takes my hand and squeezes gently. “Ana, sweetheart, sit with him.

Talk to him. It’s all good. I’ll visit with Christian in the waiting room.”

I nod. Christian smiles his reassurance at me, and he and his mother lea一ve

me with my beloved father sleeping peacefully to the gentle lullaby of his

ventilator and heart monitor.

I slip Christian’s white T-shirt on and get into bed.

“You seem brighter,” Christian says cautiously as he pulls on his pajamas.

“Yes. I think talking to Dr. Sluder and your mom made a big difference. Did

you ask Grace to come here?”

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Christian slides into bed and pulls me into his arms, turning me to face away

from him.

“No. She wanted to come and check on your dad herself.”

“How did she know?”

“I called her this morning.”


“Baby, you’re exhausted. You should sleep.”

“Hmm,” I murmur in agreement. He’s right. I’m so tired. It’s been an emotional

day. I crane my head around and gaze at him a beat. We’re not going to

make love? And I’m relieved. In fact, he’s had a totally hands-off approach

with me all day. I wonder if I should be alarmed by this turn of events, but

since my inner goddess has left the building and taken my libido with her, I’ll

think about it in the morning. I turn over and snuggle against Christian,

wrapping my leg over his.

“Promise me something,” he says softly.

“Hmm?” It’s a question that I am too tired to articulate.

“Promise me you’ll eat something tomorrow. I can just about tolerate you

wearing another man’s jacket without frothing at the mouth, but, Ana . . . you

must eat. Please.”

“Hmm,” I acquiesce. He kisses my hair. “Thank you for being here,” I mumble

and sleepily kiss his chest.

“Where else would I be? I want to be wherever you are, Ana. Being here

makes me think of how far we’ve come. And the night I first slept with you.

What a night that was. I watched you for hours. You were just . . . yar,” he

breathes. I smile against his chest.

“Sleep,” he murmurs, and it’s a command. I close my eyes and drift.

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